
We are glad you are here! Don't forget to become a site member for free downloads and previews! Right now I am diving into some old favorite hymn studies, and you can download some sing along mp3's. Also, let me know your favorites, and I can look into making a sing along download for you! 

Please feel free to leave us some feedback on how we can improve and serve you better or ask us about to share with you at your next event! 

I created this video for study and would like to give it to you.  Please download mp3 for free if you would like or use video as you wish.  I hope to do additional solo or collaborative work soon! Let me know if you would like to be part of a recording!  

Sunday, October 17th 2021was the three year anniversary of my accident. This song has been on my heart since, and especially around this time, so I recorded this piano rendition. I'm sorry, I cannot release this song for sale yet.

New Full Length Album!

Ready or Not

The C2 Incident

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When You hear the trumpet sound, Where will you be found? Ready or Not, HE will come!

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Friends of The C2 Incident

We love to hear you sing with us! Please send your videos to: info@thec2incident.com! 

On Your Mark - from our friend Evan near Springfield, Missouri: 

Concert in the PARKing lot 2020

Proclaim Music Festival 2020!

Follow us on Instagram!!!

The Baa Baa Song

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Music Videos